MA Research Journal

Posts tagged with PHO710

  1. Photography, Power & Others

    This weeks topic considers the moral and ethical questions that need to be addressed in our research and how to then implement these in order to sustain an ethical practice.There are three main parties we need to consider when thinking about ethics within others’ and our own practice; the author…

  2. Nature & Culture

    When we try to define ‘nature’ we automatically think of the landscape - rolling hills, forests, rivers and seas, or we think of all the species of animals and plants, which are all great examples of nature but they don’t actually define it.  I would define nature as the natural…

  3. Audiences & Institutions

    For this weeks topic, we were first asked to think about what aspect or style of photography that we can’t stand and would therefore put in and banish away to the photography room 101.  I decided that I would put the studio photography based companies.. like Venture. I don’t know…

  4. Oral Presentation

    My first assignment for my MA was an oral presentation talking about my practice to date, my inspirations and influences, my current working practice and the journey I want to take my work on in the coming future. 

  5. Mark Power

    Mark Power’s project ‘26 Different Endings’ explores the unkept, and isolated looking areas that fall off the edge of the A-Z London Street Atlas.  “The coverage of the map changes with each new edition. Someone somewhere decides, year by year, where it should end; which parts of the periphery of

  6. Authorship and Collaboration

    “Clearly archives are not neutral; they embody the power inherent in accumulation, collection, and hoarding as well as that power inherent in the command of the lexicon and rules of languages”  Alan Sekula (1986) ‘Reading an Archive: Photography between Labour and Capital’ in Evans and Hall (1999), 184-185 I really…

  7. First Shoot - 12/02/21

    Starting my borders project, and with everything thats going on with Covid 19 currently, I knew I wanted to start in the landscape. As discussed previously I have been exploring maps and marking points of interest in the landscape where the border meets. I went firstly to Trigate Bridge.  I…

  8. Reading Photographs

    This weeks topic is about reading and examining images, looking at single images rather than a series and using semiotics (the study of signs & symbols and their use or interpretation) to decipher the meaning of a photograph.  We were first asked to post and discuss an advertising image in…

  9. Initial Project Ideas

    For a while now, I have been thinking about what I have at my finger tips to explore in a new body of work. With Covid-19 still rife, I have realised there is so much readily available to me at my doorstep. Growing up and living in Monmouth, a border…

  10. Methods and Meaning

    This weeks topic ‘Methods and Meaning’ covers the technical strategies we use when making bodies of work and subsequently how we choose to display and distribute it afterwards. These choices are hugely relevant in how viewers will feel about and respond to the work.  We were first asked to think…

  11. Mirrors and Windows

    My first module, Positions & Practice, is the initial research for my project(s) I am going to create throughout the journey of this course. It has been designed to make us question and be critical of our work so far, and to recognise where our practice falls within the broad…

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